Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back to normal.

The "worst" of the show season is over. We have a few more shows this year but they are weeks apart. Now I've got time for my various online endeavors, not only this blog but my online store which takes a great deal of time.

So, here we have the Beyer ladies... well, three of them anyway. Not sure who the tall one in the back is.
Not sure what house this is either. I know it's not Sayre Street but that's all I'm sure of.

The picture below was taken in the backyard of Sayre Street. I'd bet $2 on it because I can still remember that 'industrial' sized garage the neighbors had to park their oil trucks.
When the last link of Interstate-78 opened between Phillipsburg, NJ and Allentown, PA. (around 1991) there was a parade of antique vehicles over the Delaware River bridge. Most of the vehicles came as far as the Bethlehem-Hellertown exit to turn around and Ginny & I got to see them. To my surprise, there was the big "GOLD" oil truck! I know Gold had a few small trucks but only one big one like that. It was exactly as I remembered it.
Anyway, here is Claire in OUR yard with Bandit. I remember so well how "Bandi" would ride in the basket of Claire's bike and... too many funny little incidents to include here.

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